Hello Capoeiristas and CrossFitters,
I wanted to send out this email to give everyone some insight on all the events happening.
University of Texas Cultural Festival
Location: The Frank Erwin Center
Address:1701 Red River St, Austin, TX 78701
Time: Arrive by 6:45pm
(Need volunteers from the capoeira group please arrive at the studio by 6:15pm to carpool)
We will be back at the studio around 7:30 to start Danny’s Birthday Roda & Potluck (Crossfit and Capoeira members please come out and bring a side)
We will be cancelling music class due to our friends Wedding.
Don’t be late to Esporte’s Wedding:-)
Formula 1 Show at the W Hotel
This will be some of our elite capoeiristas showing of their skills.
Class will be as scheduled.
Adult Capoeira Workshop with Contra Mestre Pena
Location: Capoeira Evolução Studio
Time: 7pm-9pm
Cost: Enrolled Students $15 | Non Evolução Students $20
Children’s Batizado e troca de cordas
12p.m. Children’s Workshop
1:30 Batizado e troca de cordas
Cost: $40 per child ( workshop & Shirt Included for event)
Please fill out registration and email back to alex@capoeiraevolucao.com by 11/18/2013 or we cannot provide a belt or certificate.
December 9th, Batizado in Dallas for Contra Mestre Molejo! Please let me know if you can go and your t shirt size to guarantee you an event shirt.