Monica Solis (Graduada Pimenta ) originally from Mexico she began capoeira in 2005 and brings a bright energy to the group. She began training under Mestre Rodrigo and has continued her training under Contra Mestre Metido since Mestre returning to Brazil in 2006. Pimenta has dedicated a large portion of her life to Capoeira and continues to train consistently to improve in this art form that has changed her life. Pimenta has been very involved and been an important part of the success of the children’s program at Capoeira Evolucao and has taught in our community programs. To continue her growth Pimenta has attended Workshops by Mestre Rodrigo, Mestre Virgulino, Mestre Demetrius, Profesor Esquilo, Instrutor Gaviao, Mestre Jelon, Cangun , Mestre Fran, Prof. borracha, Profesora Venus and many other talented capoeiristas from around the globe. She is proficient in Maculele, acrobatics, samba and can sing many capoeira songs with her soulful and energizing voice. Pimenta’s goal is to help with the progress of Capoeira Evolucao all while improving on her abilities as a Capoeirista and continuing to be a role model for those that follow in her steps.