October News

Sunday October 11th
Today Graduado Castor starts his classes in North Austin and we would love to have you guys come participate.

Other News:
Thursday October 15th
Capoeira Luanda is starting their event Thursday for their Batizado, we will have kids class and then head over to support  their event. Please look at their website for pricing http://www.austincapoeira.com/

Friday October 16th
Capoeira Evolução studio
6pm Berimbau workshop for kids
6:30pm Capoeira workshop kids
7:30pm Capoeira adults (cost $25) with Mestre Boca (Capoeira Zenzala, Brasilia, Brazil)

Saturday October 17th
10am Children’s Batizado
Location : Capoeira Evolução Studio

12:30pm Capoeira Luanda Batizado
Location: Pan Am Recreation Center

Wednesday October 21st
Bridge Point Elementary show that will help pay for our flooring at the new studio. I need 10 volunteers, we will also buy you lunch after the show. We really want a good turn out for these kids so if you can please come.

9am -9:50am k-2 approx 350 students
10:15 -11:05 ~ 3rd-5th appox 350 students

The school is located at

Bridge Point Elementary School
6401 Cedar Street 
Austin, TX 78746